Sales-stands and displays
There will be around forty stands selling memorabilia, books, photos, models and a wide range of other bus-related items, located under cover in the huge exhibition hall inside the Clive Emson Conference Centre.
It is a great opportunity for traders to sell their wares to transport enthusiasts and the general public.
People bringing displays of historic memorabilia and model buses to add to the interest of the day are very welcome. These are located in the exhibition hall alongside the sales stands.
How to book a sales-stand or display
Trade stands are very welcome, along with organisations involved in vehicle restoration and other bus-related professions.
To book a sales stand or display please complete an entry form which can be requested by writing to 'South East Bus Festival', 21 Forde Avenue, Bromley, Kent BR1 3EU, by emailing or by phoning 07932 812268.
There is no charge for clubs, societies or private individuals to bring a display of photos, memorabilia or models. A booking needs to be made, however, so that space is allocated for you on the day.
Kent County Agricultural Society require that those bringing sales stands have Public Liability Insurance cover and this needs to be declared on the booking form.
You will also need to be aware of the requirements of the Kent County Council Act 2001 that regulates the sale of second-hand goods in the County of Kent. Details can be found on the KCC website and this allows you to register if applicable.
Payment for sales stands and displays, as appropriate, should be made at the time of booking, either by cheque or debit/credit card. The booking form gives more details of payment methods.
Parking space will be available outside the exhibition hall for those bringing sales stands or displays, with access to the hall through several doors around the building for setting up and dismantling of your stand at the start and end of the day.
Setting-up of stands can also be undertaken on the afternoon of the day before the event.