Heritage Transport Show
The South East Bus Festival takes place as part of Kent County Agricultural Society's annual Heritage Transport Show that brings together hundreds of cars, commercials, military vehicles, tractors and motorbikes.
In recent years around 700 to 800 vehicles have been on display at each event!
Combined with the bus festival's large number of buses and coaches there is something for anyone interested in a wide range of road vehicles.
The heritage vehicles are displayed on the showground and inside the John Hendry Building and the huge Maidstone Exhibition Hall.
Other attractions include a farmers' market, autojumble, Kent Youth Trial Bikes and a fairground ride.
The free bus service around the site that is provided as part of the South East Bus Festival makes it easy to get between the different parts of the show and having the opportunity to ride on vehicles from a bygone age adds to the fun of the day.
Details of the Heritage Transport Show and how to enter your vehicle or book a trade stand can be found on the event's website by clicking the Heritage Transport Show icon at the top of this page.